Wilde has another Annual in mind for Gold Medals

Jumps racing in Australia has received a financial boost. Photo: Pat Scala (Racing Photos)

Trainer Symon Wilde toyed with the idea of running Gold Medals (NZ) (Elvstroem) in the Australian Steeplechase (3900m) after his heroic win in Warrnambool’s Grand Annual Steeplechase. 

But Wilde has decided on a long-range plan of trying to win a third Grand Annual Steeplechase (5500m) with Gold Medals who is now resting up before the long build-up begins towards the end of the year. 

Wilde said there was not a lot to be gained, other than money and more weight, if he pressed ahead with Gold Medals further into the jumps season. 

He said there was nothing wrong with the rising 12-year-old. 

“He’s that well and we were thinking of continuing on and running him in the Australian Steeple, but after thinking about there was not a lot to be gained, other than the monetary side of it,” Wilde said. 

“And he would only get extra weight for next year’s Annual. 

“He’s such a Warrnambool specialist, especially around that course, so why risk injury when we can have one last crack at the Annual next year and that can be his swansong. 

“If he didn’t come up, or we weren’t happy with him, we wouldn’t run him as he’s run in four Grand Annuals, and he’s never been further back than second, which is pretty incredible.” 

This year’s Grand Annual, staged over 5500m on May 6, was Wilde’s sole focus as it will be again next year with Gold Medals. 

Wilde said Gold Medals would return to the stable in the November, December period and would not be over-raced. 

“As we have got into the twilight of his career, we have raced him less-and-less and it seems to have really worked,” Wilde said. 

“He loves jumping and he loves the distance and when he fronts up in a race like that, he seems to go very well.”