Docs to reduce Walker’s sedation

Jockey Michael Walker has retired from riding. Photo: Trish Dunell

Doctors will slowly look to bring Michael Walker out of sedation as the Group One hoop continues to make positive progress after a fall on Monday.

Walker was riding in a jump out at Pakenham on Monday morning when the horse he was riding collapsed.

The 38-year-old was treated by paramedics before being transported to the Alfred Hospital by helicopter.

Walker was placed in an induced coma, suffering serious head trauma following the fall. Initial scans on Monday afternoon cleared walker of any internal injuries or spinal damage.

However he remained sedated given the seriousness of his concussion.

VJA boss Matt Hyland told doctors were aiming to slowly take Walker out of sedation on Wednesday.

“He remains in ICU and is still under sedation. The docs are going to look to reduce the sedation through the night and into this morning,” Hyland said.

“They will gradually bring him round. He’s had a fairly heavy concussion, so the fact they are doing that (bringing him out of sedation) is obviously fairly positive.

“They will monitor as they progress with him.”