Important COVID-19 Information

Members of the NZTBA and industry participants, 

The Government has declared a State of Emergency and that the country’s Covid-19 response alert level will raise to Level 4 at 11.59pm, 25 March. The Government stated that this level will last for at least four weeks.

The past 48 hours have certainly been testing for all of us and I applaud you all for your actions in making certain that you are prepared and your first consideration is your people and horse welfare.

Our advice from the Ministry for Primary Industries confirms that stud farms, agistment properties, training stables and centers where horses are in containment are listed as essential services under animal welfare considerations.

MPI has requested that all businesses with over five staff members (including the owner) register by 5pm on Friday, 27 March 2020.  Businesses will be able to continue operating while going through the registration process.

It is imperative you are familiar with the NZ government  website which is updated regularlyGovernment Covid 19

Our main priority is keeping breeders, studs, agistment farms and their staff healthy and safe. We’re closely monitoring advice from the Ministry of Health regarding the evolving Covid-19 situation and working with MPI to ensure farms are able to operate safely and efficiently while the nation is in Covid-19 response Alert Level 4. 

Essential Services

In light of the government’s decision, only essential services are able to stay open and to operate. Our advice from the Ministry for Primary Industries confirms that stud farms and agistment properties are considered an essential service due to animal welfare issues. As such we must make sure we adhere to guidelines to ensure we, with the rest of New Zealand, halt Covid-19 or at least get ahead for the long term benefit.


Businesses with more than 5 people (including the owner) working at each business site, or who cannot achieve social distancing between staff, need to register.

Key Questions

  • Do you have 5 or fewer people (including the owner) working on farm
  • Can you achieve social distancing and measures between staff in your work in your workplace, including travelling, to and from work?

If you answer YES to both questions you do NOT need to Register and do NOT need to fill in the form, you will be represented under the NZTBA’s guidelines to the Ministry for Primary Industries Register for Safe Practice.

Otherwise you MUST complete Registration 

Businesses will need to answer 11 questions to provide assurance they have a plan and process to manage infection risks.

The NZTBA have worked on a template outlining the same guidelines as the one we have submitted to MPI for you to use. Please make sure you are familiar with it and adhere to these protocols.

In addition to this NZTR and the NZ Trainers’ Association will also be providing a template to assist with completing the paperwork in a further communication later today.

To register if you have 5 or more (including the owner) staff:

1: View information about registration by clicking here
2: View our template for registering for safe practice to help with answers by clicking here
3: Register for safe practice with MPI by clicking here

Registration needs to be completed by 5:00pm on Friday 27 March 2020. Businesses that believe they qualify as an “essential service” are able to continue operating while they are going through the registration process.

Letter of Employment
We also recommend that stud farms and agistment properties provide their staff with a letter of employment outlining their travel needs and confirming they are operating in line with government regulations.
A template for this letter can be found here
An example of this letter can be found here

Ours is one of the industries that has so far been able to continue, and it is vital for participants and all New Zealanders that we take all measures to protect the thoroughbred industry.

The NZTBA will be regularly reviewing the information provided and will endeavor to update you frequently as the alert levels and restrictions change. Our website is a useful resource to keep you updated and you can view this page here