Sharrock to head NZTR

Incoming NZTR chief executive Bruce Sharrock. Photo: Supplied

New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing has appointed Bruce Sharrock as its next chief executive.

Sharrock is currently NZTR’s Chief Operations Officer and prior to that, a member of NZTR’s Board of Directors.

For more than 20 years Sharrock successfully founded and led his own international business in sports management, whilst being actively involved in the thoroughbred industry.

“With a proven track record in outstanding leadership, industry knowledge and relationships we have absolute confidence in Bruce’s ability to continue with the momentum underway, taking NZTR into new territory,” NZTR chairman Cameron George said.

“His understanding of the priorities our industry faces, and the actions required to create a sustainable future for thoroughbred racing will be critical as we continue to deliver the strategic objectives.”

Sharrock is expected to take up his appointment as chief executive on 4th April 2022.

“I am extremely proud and excited to be given the responsibility and opportunity to lead the Industry into the future,” Sharrock said.

NZTR’s current chief executive, Bernard Saundry, will undertake a structured transition with Sharrock and see the completion and implementation of some key industry initiatives before he leaves June 2022.

“Bernard has made an important contribution during his tenure as CEO and his wealth of knowledge has enabled us to move forward in a positive direction,” George said.